domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011


>Albert Bandura, Banduras theory of depression states that people are based on the interactions they have with their behaviors, thoughts and enviormental factors. That each piece of the puzzle affects all the other pieces of the puzzle. Bandura also stated the way in which depressed people think about their actions making themselves believe that they are the main factors of all the bad things that have happened in their lives and that all the good things that have happened are due to external factors. Depressed people here use what they call the self blame. >Martin Seligman, the theory of self helplessnes he experimented with 300 dogs each receiving a shock when placed under a box, in return the dog would run or jump to the other side escaping the shock once it came to realize that this problem was impossible to escape the dogs simply gave up and thus the theory of self helplesness. This has to do with the fact that he believes that depressed people have learned to be helpless to themselves, he also believed that depressed people though very pesimistic about themselves. This pessimistic believe of themselves makes the people become more likely to fall into depression. >Aaron Beck, he believes that it is due to those negative beliefs that one has that lead to depression. the more negative you are the more depressed you will be. He believes that there are three major things that demonstrate that you might be depressed called the triad and that the way one thinks about themselves is highky important. Juilian Rotter self eficacy is closely related to locus of control. this all depends in the ways one thinks about themselves if you believe that you can alter your internal enviorment and that you have all the control than you can have a high effeicacy and when people believe that they have no power to the external factors and the way they react to all of that they believe that they have an external locus and a low effeccacy/

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