jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010


Stroop Effect
A famous experiment called Stroop effect after J. Ridley Stroop who discovered the strange phenomena of the stroop effect in 1930's. This effect is a demonstration of interference, ones brain has to sort out the information being procesed. A psychologic test of our mental vitality and flexibility. This experiment is a clear example of the brain trying to focus and interpret at the same time. It relates to the cognitive process. It is also an original experiment that demonstrates the process of the brain. The cognitive mechanism used in this task is called directed attention. You have to manage your attention or control your response to answer corectly.

a great example is the word PURPLE in this experiment the word purple would be in RED ink causing great confusion to the brain. causig your brain to delay in the process of analyzing due to the fact that it is confused.

Prove that our brain due to confussion taks more time to analyze. And that the naing of colors is more difficult than reading them. Creating the selective attention theory. Also proving to us that when one is learning a language or learning to read people have no problem stating the name of the colors. But that once you have learned how to read you get confused due to interference.

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010


1. There is a constant myth that the multitasking is a true virtue. As stated by Dr. Edward Hallowell "mythical activity in which people believe they can perform two or more tasks simultaneoulsy" We are never capable of doing two things at the same time. We are just training our minds to do things quicker. A study in the July 16th issue of neuron states that no one does two thigns at the same time you just juggle two things extremely quickly.

2. Response selection bottleneck

this refers to as when your brain is trying to do many things at once. As the result of this we are proven that by doing more than one thing at time we are not be EFFICENT we are actually SLOWING DOWN.

3. The fact that David Meyer proved that the act of multitasking releases hormones and adrenaline is important due to the fact that these can end up causeing long term health problems.

4. "We have to be aware that there is a cost to the way that our society is changing, that humans are not built to work this way. we're really built to focus"-Poldrack. Poldrack found out that our brain while multitasking looses focus. Because of the way we perceive the information. Poldrack proved this by examining the brain of a person who was focussing and a person who was multitasking. Stating that when we multi-task we use the part of the brain called striatum. Proving that although we perceive the information we are not grasping it as well as we could if we were focused. Overall he states that multi-tasking only makes you take longer in the process of stuff

5. The author concludes that although we create various ways to do a single stimuli we are not gettinng wiser.

jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

Bambuti Tribe
who are they? they are a small tribe in central and western africa in the democratic republic of Congo. They are forest dwellers, they live by hunting animals and also picking fruits. To them the forest is sacred, they use the forest greatly but they are all scared becuase of the clearing of forests, they are also deprived of their rights in Africa. Collin M. Turnbull felt a certain fascination and drive to explore the tribe. He was working on trips to Afirca and decided to study the tribe, he was fascinated with how this tribe was excluded from society how they were so independant. His observations lead him to get really close to a tribe member, as a "experiment" he took the member out of the forest. The member started to see many things he had never perceived specially buffalos, although being a hunter he had never seen the, so far away. This is a great exampl of perception to the things we see just like the way he saw the buffalos and thought that it was almost witchcraft.