domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011
>Albert Bandura, Banduras theory of depression states that people are based on the interactions they have with their behaviors, thoughts and enviormental factors. That each piece of the puzzle affects all the other pieces of the puzzle. Bandura also stated the way in which depressed people think about their actions making themselves believe that they are the main factors of all the bad things that have happened in their lives and that all the good things that have happened are due to external factors. Depressed people here use what they call the self blame. >Martin Seligman, the theory of self helplessnes he experimented with 300 dogs each receiving a shock when placed under a box, in return the dog would run or jump to the other side escaping the shock once it came to realize that this problem was impossible to escape the dogs simply gave up and thus the theory of self helplesness. This has to do with the fact that he believes that depressed people have learned to be helpless to themselves, he also believed that depressed people though very pesimistic about themselves. This pessimistic believe of themselves makes the people become more likely to fall into depression. >Aaron Beck, he believes that it is due to those negative beliefs that one has that lead to depression. the more negative you are the more depressed you will be. He believes that there are three major things that demonstrate that you might be depressed called the triad and that the way one thinks about themselves is highky important. Juilian Rotter self eficacy is closely related to locus of control. this all depends in the ways one thinks about themselves if you believe that you can alter your internal enviorment and that you have all the control than you can have a high effeicacy and when people believe that they have no power to the external factors and the way they react to all of that they believe that they have an external locus and a low effeccacy/
martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

It was commonly known in the nintheenth century to analyze the brain very anatomical, the brain functions and actions were all treated the same way and if it were to me i believe that although they committed huge attroccitites with the proccess of the lobotomy i believe that the only way we could have improved to what we are today in science and in psychollogy was by creating these horrendous action. THE LOBOTOMY: was first thought of through the german friederich golz while doing an experiment about the functions of the brain and how through the removal of the temporal lobe dogs behavior changes sustantially becoming much more calmed. This inspired Gottlieb a swiss physician to remove the cortex of these very impatient patients teo of the patients died and others changed continually, they still dont know the actual causes. But the other influence for Dr freeman whos desire to be one of the most remarkable and life changing doctor, who had the power to change and make
people and especially himself believe that the procedure he was doing was the absolute best, and that he was being such a great person he was inspired when he read a book about the portugese doctor Antonio that was making lobotomies and finally was inspired to create his own legacy in the medical world. WALTER FREEMAN physician and clinical neurologist teamed up with James Watt to produce the first lobotomies to American patients. They first operate in Septemeber 1936 he was convinced that the results were working. He try to "HELP" asylums with crazy people to "calm them" "he used a common tool to break ice which could be inserted local anesthesia by tapping it with a hammer, the ice pick would perforate the skin subcutaneos tissue, bone and meninges in a single plung and then freeman would swing it severly the prefontal lobe, this took no more than minutes with no need to intern the patient into a hospital" Watts was concerned with the whole situation and broke ties. Some ethical considerations arose and obviously scientific results were impossible to findm they had obviously not found the solution to many problems and no positive feedback was gained. this was a procedure that literally damaged the brain irreversably and so the lobotomies were forever stopped the end!

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

The Bipolar disorder
Evan a child was told that he had bipolar disease and committed suicide. this was due to the fact that he was on such strong medication and he once decided to stop taking it and his death and suicide thoughts increased sustantially. I trully believe that after watching all the video of the conmemoration of evan through his parents who were filmamaker who wanted to show the entire world what had happened to their child. We can see that it is such a sad disease that no one can prevent since we are born with it and can never ever grow out of it. This part of the disease is the saddest part since their is no point in life for these kids becuase they know that no matter what they have no way out of it.. And although many are under various medications we all know that kids grow and they feel no eradic emotions just like any other "normal" human being and it is quite obvious that these people want to feel what we feel, so they stop taking their medication which is so harmfull for them but they do and in most cases they commit suicide. I trully believe that after whatching this video i have another perspective about these people that i had never had and i can come to understand that they are really depressed and that they have no solution to their problems, and so with this video i can understand them completely and not treat anyone differently.
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