- 1. i LOVE Going to BOSTON, both of my
sisters live in boston they are the only reason i truly have fun there.
- 2. Eating cupcakes, eating cupcakes is basically a tradition i LOVE it every single place we travel to we are in the search of the best cupcake.
- i love getting my hair done, this makes me happy becuase i feel that i do not look like a freak with my crazy hair.
- Going to the gym, i love going to the gym because everytime i go i feel that i am going to be skinny someday.
- Watching t.v., this may be my favorite hobbie this is an activity that i truly enjoy as a child my t.v. had no english cartoons i felt the need for every show to be in english, su
ddenly they changed from spanish to english and i couldnt stop watching t.v. ever since.
- I HATE PLAYING TENNIS, as a child i was forced into this sport i tried everything from being rude to the trainners to try to get my mom out of those classes, tennis never made me suceed and ever since i've never wanted to be in another sport.
- I HATE MC AND CHEESE, being such an easy food to cook every single time we went to ceiba that was the main dish we ate every sinle night for a week since my sis loves it, this made me HATE mc and cheese
- I HATE SCHOOL (slightly)elementary was tough my mother basically lived in the states due to cancer(treatment). My mother was absent in my graduation and after school it was straight to tutoring. My first years were tough.
- I HATE MEETING NEW PEOPLE i am constantly afraid of social rejection, since i have seen many of these incidents i am constanly afraid
- I HATE MATH math is something everyone EXCEPT ME in my house is good at. As a child i was excpected to get good grades in math, obviouslly this made me worsten in my studies.
your blog looks great so far