domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011
>Albert Bandura, Banduras theory of depression states that people are based on the interactions they have with their behaviors, thoughts and enviormental factors. That each piece of the puzzle affects all the other pieces of the puzzle. Bandura also stated the way in which depressed people think about their actions making themselves believe that they are the main factors of all the bad things that have happened in their lives and that all the good things that have happened are due to external factors. Depressed people here use what they call the self blame. >Martin Seligman, the theory of self helplessnes he experimented with 300 dogs each receiving a shock when placed under a box, in return the dog would run or jump to the other side escaping the shock once it came to realize that this problem was impossible to escape the dogs simply gave up and thus the theory of self helplesness. This has to do with the fact that he believes that depressed people have learned to be helpless to themselves, he also believed that depressed people though very pesimistic about themselves. This pessimistic believe of themselves makes the people become more likely to fall into depression. >Aaron Beck, he believes that it is due to those negative beliefs that one has that lead to depression. the more negative you are the more depressed you will be. He believes that there are three major things that demonstrate that you might be depressed called the triad and that the way one thinks about themselves is highky important. Juilian Rotter self eficacy is closely related to locus of control. this all depends in the ways one thinks about themselves if you believe that you can alter your internal enviorment and that you have all the control than you can have a high effeicacy and when people believe that they have no power to the external factors and the way they react to all of that they believe that they have an external locus and a low effeccacy/
martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

It was commonly known in the nintheenth century to analyze the brain very anatomical, the brain functions and actions were all treated the same way and if it were to me i believe that although they committed huge attroccitites with the proccess of the lobotomy i believe that the only way we could have improved to what we are today in science and in psychollogy was by creating these horrendous action. THE LOBOTOMY: was first thought of through the german friederich golz while doing an experiment about the functions of the brain and how through the removal of the temporal lobe dogs behavior changes sustantially becoming much more calmed. This inspired Gottlieb a swiss physician to remove the cortex of these very impatient patients teo of the patients died and others changed continually, they still dont know the actual causes. But the other influence for Dr freeman whos desire to be one of the most remarkable and life changing doctor, who had the power to change and make
people and especially himself believe that the procedure he was doing was the absolute best, and that he was being such a great person he was inspired when he read a book about the portugese doctor Antonio that was making lobotomies and finally was inspired to create his own legacy in the medical world. WALTER FREEMAN physician and clinical neurologist teamed up with James Watt to produce the first lobotomies to American patients. They first operate in Septemeber 1936 he was convinced that the results were working. He try to "HELP" asylums with crazy people to "calm them" "he used a common tool to break ice which could be inserted local anesthesia by tapping it with a hammer, the ice pick would perforate the skin subcutaneos tissue, bone and meninges in a single plung and then freeman would swing it severly the prefontal lobe, this took no more than minutes with no need to intern the patient into a hospital" Watts was concerned with the whole situation and broke ties. Some ethical considerations arose and obviously scientific results were impossible to findm they had obviously not found the solution to many problems and no positive feedback was gained. this was a procedure that literally damaged the brain irreversably and so the lobotomies were forever stopped the end!

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

The Bipolar disorder
Evan a child was told that he had bipolar disease and committed suicide. this was due to the fact that he was on such strong medication and he once decided to stop taking it and his death and suicide thoughts increased sustantially. I trully believe that after watching all the video of the conmemoration of evan through his parents who were filmamaker who wanted to show the entire world what had happened to their child. We can see that it is such a sad disease that no one can prevent since we are born with it and can never ever grow out of it. This part of the disease is the saddest part since their is no point in life for these kids becuase they know that no matter what they have no way out of it.. And although many are under various medications we all know that kids grow and they feel no eradic emotions just like any other "normal" human being and it is quite obvious that these people want to feel what we feel, so they stop taking their medication which is so harmfull for them but they do and in most cases they commit suicide. I trully believe that after whatching this video i have another perspective about these people that i had never had and i can come to understand that they are really depressed and that they have no solution to their problems, and so with this video i can understand them completely and not treat anyone differently.
miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010
STROOP EFFECT internal asse. part one
Throughout time physicological advances have permitted our knowledge about humans grow. Once we start to wonder and question ourselves about the functions of our bodies we come to realize that the brain muscles and other body parts have helped us evolve over time. One of the most important experiments in history is the Stroop Effect, conducted by John Ridley Stroop in the 1930’s. What’s really important is the demonstration of interference in the brain through this experiment; this experiment shows the true capacity of mental flexibility. Interference is the process by which the brain is trying to sort two different concepts or ideas. This in the case of this experiment would be shape and color. This causes a delay in your brain. There are two theories that support the Stroop Effect “Speed of Processing Theory: the interference occurs because words are read faster than colors are named. Selective Attention Theory: the interference occurs because naming colors requires more attention than reading words. “ Both of these theories help explain the experiment. Its important also to state it importance in neurophysiology. When given the word and the color the process in which one has to identify both of the is called the anterior cingulate. This part of the brain lies between the frontal left and right part of the brain, which also involves the emotions and thoughts one receives. The true process of this experiment by hand is through simple task. It involves the handing out of a paper contains various words shaded in the colors they aren’t truly. For example in this experiment the paper would have written purple and had shaded it pink. You are later asked to please say the name of the word that you see without having previously analyzed it. This is the part in which interference takes part and truly works its way to complete the assignment, although taking way longer. Although this may sound quite easy it is contrary to that completely, this is one of the most difficult experiments to explain. Researchers have developed through time a hypothesis to this experiment concluding that “words are processed better than colors” . But we have come to realize that it has to do with response compatibility. In search of removing the color interference that we obtain others have created matching color experiments like the ones of Pritchatt(1968) and McClain(1983) with the use of colored buttons. Stroop interference has been greatly impacting to the world and most definitely to the branches of psychology.
domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010
"A substance having no pharmalogical effect but given merely to satisfy a patient who suppose it to be a medicine". H. K. Beecher evaluated 15 clinical trials concerned with different diseasses and found that 35% of 1,082 patients were satisfactorily relieved by a placebo alone. He began studies to try and understand how something could be produced by nothing. "The reanaysis of Beechers data claims that the improvements were due to: Spontenous improvementetc. Making it very difficult to see whether it was due to the placeboor the natural improvement. The tyoes of problems that one gets from placebos is the fact that you never truly know wherether or not the placebos is the one that is making the difference or another problem is that placebos are fake medicine and sometimes their is a real d need for medicine and then thanks to the placeboks some people even die. I believe that Placebos are just like deception they mess up with your mind even after debriefing which is the most difficult part of the placebo takers. What i truly feel about the placebo is that they should be used for simple disease or diseases that are not in the long run going to kill you. In my mind they are not effective I think its true effectivness is the way people feel about their disease.
"A substance having no pharmalogical effect but given merely to satisfy a patient who suppose it to be a medicine". H. K. Beecher evaluated 15 clinical trials concerned with different diseasses and found that 35% of 1,082 patients were satisfactorily relieved by a placebo alone. He began studies to try and understand how something could be produced by nothing. "The reanaysis of Beechers data claims that the improvements were due to: Spontenous improvementetc. Making it very difficult to see whether it was due to the placeboor the natural improvement. The tyoes of problems that one gets from placebos is the fact that you never truly know wherether or not the placebos is the one that is making the difference or another problem is that placebos are fake medicine and sometimes their is a real d need for medicine and then thanks to the placeboks some people even die. I believe that Placebos are just like deception they mess up with your mind even after debriefing which is the most difficult part of the placebo takers. What i truly feel about the placebo is that they should be used for simple disease or diseases that are not in the long run going to kill you. In my mind they are not effective I think its true effectivness is the way people feel about their disease.
miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Alzheimers Disease
includes the partial or complete loss of memorystored in a humans body. To me this diseaseis one of the sadest disease one could posibly acquire.There is no cure except a pill you can take that will help the loss of memory decrease. This disease basically creates a new person they slowly start to become another person not remembering whether you were there child, husband or simply someone from the streets. I find it completely strange h
ow one person with this disease changes so quickly how a person can respond to you, because generally people with alzheimers disease tend to be rude because they loose the sense of morals they have no idea whetherwhattheyare saying is someting rude or not. To me this disease is horrendous becuase the person who has the diseasse besides not knowing that they cant recall things(in some cases). they start to change quickly they will never understand something or be able to learn something new, it is quite strange to think about it. Because they change so quickly they startbecoming like babies again and they require so much attention b
ecause they have no idea about danger, so there is so much that these people need regarding care and attention that it is quite disturbing and to a point were we start to feel pitty towards them.

Gender Difference
Gender difference, scientits did in fact figureout that gender does play an important part in our memory, especially in the episodic memory. Women had an advantage they can remember words, task and names. But men did outpower women in unverbal things and visioupatial information. Although women still beat the men in remebering like where the keys are and this requires both visioupatial and episodic memory. In conclusion women have a better memory, like when they are remembering a face they can recall better those of a female than of a male. always remembering that education and background play a huge role in the memory.
Cultural Difference,
Studied by psychologists of chilhood amnesia or amnesia that all children have is determined mainly becuase of their background. It is caused mainly becuase of their background meaning that they learn more about their memor y from earlier stages due to their culture. Culture plays a huge role becuause it determinses the way in which parent behave towards their children whether it is in a personal way or not. The eventuality of us remembering an event is due to the way in which our parents and children talk about what happened and the ways in which children encode the information. This ties up to culture because in Asia parents have low talkative way with their children than the Americans and then the Maori which is highly based on culture then have a high talkative thing with their children causing cultural differences in the way that we have learned what happened to us during the child amnesia state in our bodies.
Gender difference, scientits did in fact figureout that gender does play an important part in our memory, especially in the episodic memory. Women had an advantage they can remember words, task and names. But men did outpower women in unverbal things and visioupatial information. Although women still beat the men in remebering like where the keys are and this requires both visioupatial and episodic memory. In conclusion women have a better memory, like when they are remembering a face they can recall better those of a female than of a male. always remembering that education and background play a huge role in the memory.
Cultural Difference,
Studied by psychologists of chilhood amnesia or amnesia that all children have is determined mainly becuase of their background. It is caused mainly becuase of their background meaning that they learn more about their memor y from earlier stages due to their culture. Culture plays a huge role becuause it determinses the way in which parent behave towards their children whether it is in a personal way or not. The eventuality of us remembering an event is due to the way in which our parents and children talk about what happened and the ways in which children encode the information. This ties up to culture because in Asia parents have low talkative way with their children than the Americans and then the Maori which is highly based on culture then have a high talkative thing with their children causing cultural differences in the way that we have learned what happened to us during the child amnesia state in our bodies.
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