martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Colin M. Turnbull
Colin M Turnbull attended Magdalen college at Oxford. He was a well educated person and fascinated at the Pygmies of Africa. After his studies he joined the Royal Naval Reserve. His fascination to the tribe made him one of the most important intellectual in 1960 and 1970. One of his most famous book was "The african Queen" just like this book and many others they are all about the Pygmies. While Colin was on a road trip through Africa his passion for this tribe increased. He returned to Africa later in his life to record native music, he began to feel fascinated about the Pygmies in Africa. He found this tribe to be extremely interesting and arranged to stay there a few times. Like previously said this was one of his main inspirations to writing his books some are even important to the study of ethology. The books are "The Mountain People"and "The Human Cycle". The Mountain people talks about the gatherers and hunters of the Pygmies tribe. All his studies on the tribe have been extremely important to the study of African ethnology.

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

  1. LIKE'S:
  2. 1. i LOVE Going to BOSTON, both of my sisters live in boston they are the only reason i truly have fun there.
  3. 2. Eating cupcakes, eating cupcakes is basically a tradition i LOVE it every single place we travel to we are in the search of the best cupcake.
  4. i love getting my hair done, this makes me happy becuase i feel that i do not look like a freak with my crazy hair.
  5. Going to the gym, i love going to the gym because everytime i go i feel that i am going to be skinny someday.
  6. Watching t.v., this may be my favorite hobbie this is an activity that i truly enjoy as a child my t.v. had no english cartoons i felt the need for every show to be in english, suddenly they changed from spanish to english and i couldnt stop watching t.v. ever since.


  1. I HATE PLAYING TENNIS, as a child i was forced into this sport i tried everything from being rude to the trainners to try to get my mom out of those classes, tennis never made me suceed and ever since i've never wanted to be in another sport.
  2. I HATE MC AND CHEESE, being such an easy food to cook every single time we went to ceiba that was the main dish we ate every sinle night for a week since my sis loves it, this made me HATE mc and cheese
  3. I HATE SCHOOL (slightly)elementary was tough my mother basically lived in the states due to cancer(treatment). My mother was absent in my graduation and after school it was straight to tutoring. My first years were tough.
  4. I HATE MEETING NEW PEOPLE i am constantly afraid of social rejection, since i have seen many of these incidents i am constanly afraid
  5. I HATE MATH math is something everyone EXCEPT ME in my house is good at. As a child i was excpected to get good grades in math, obviouslly this made me worsten in my studies.

Factors of Perception

Perception is due to two main factors internal and external, both of these change the way people perceive things due to their entire psychological and enviormental background. Internal factors that influence the process of perception are our habits every person has different habits due to our backround. Some of us may like reading books while others hate it, this changes the way we perceive books. Our motivations and interests also affect a persons perception because someone who really wants something compared to a person who does not want it at all will have a different perception of an object. Thirdly learning plays the most important part in perception due to our learning one may perceive differently than others, a person might feel that she loves math because she has learned it throughout her life while others may hate it since they have recently staarted to learn it. Personality is also important many people have different feelings about the same things, no one views the world the same way others do. Some people may like to be around other people socializing while others may hate the fact that they have to be close to people.External factors are crucial to perception, External factors that influence the perception of things are our family the people that we are around have raised us in ways that we believe are good, the percepion of clubbing is different for everyone some people have permission to do it and love it and others feel scared or unsure. That is mainly due to the way your parents and family have made you thinks about certain things. Our culture is another external factor that contributes to our perception of things like politics, due o events that have passed in our culture we make our own decisions about a certain political party. Friends are crucial to our perception every group of friends o friend are due to the way people treat our friends or the way the whole gruop of friends wants to be seen as changes the way we perceive parties or cliques in school.

jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010

Perception vs. Reality

Everyone has a different views about different things, unlike other people that surround you . Just like in classical conditioning people have different thoughts from everyone else due to the environment that we are raised, our race, our culture and people that surround us and especially due to the experiences we have throughout our lives. The experience we have gained is something crucial in the perceptive part of analyzing information that we get from things; this is all due to the fact that experience changes the way that we should see things. Perception is the interpretation of situations based on the mental registration we have, it refers to the process of integrating, organizing and interpreting sensory information into meaningful representations. And reality is the act of something that is actually happening or that actually. Perception versus reality is something frequently asked. The difference between both is that perception is the reaction or feeling that you get from something that you have already had an experience with. Compared to reality this is quite different; reality is the way that it truly is and that everyone should see it, the way maybe an author or artist wants you to look at and feel but Perception is the way that we perceive it, the way that we automatically get when we view something.

miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010


Psychology throughout life has been very important for everyone. Psychology has helped people understand the human brain and how people react towards different situations. Psychology is a major thing in my life it has helped me understandmy crazy friends. It is very valuable to me because as a soon to be college student i am still not sure what i want to study. Psychology is something that i like allot and if this years class i like it even more than last year i will study psychology.